Thursday, May 14, 2009

Elk December 2, 1805

Today we discovered an animal that was even bigger than the enourmous Grisely Bear. This animal is called the Elk. The Elk is one of a kind animal and has a lot of interesting parts.The Elk's head has a huge rack of horns like a deer. The antlers can grow up to be as large as 4 feet  making the elk anywhere between 7-9 feet tall. The elk use their horns to attract mates and to show off to other elk. The elks fur can be a dark brown, and light brown. Their  shoulders, neck and their faces are a very dark brown color. Its nose and mouth grow to be about one foot long and its ears stick out of its head. We have spotted numerous elk in our travels, and have killed them for food. Their meat can be salted for jerky to use in other time.


  1. Very edumacational again, music is good too.

  2. Great facts. Evan the part about how you can eat them is really good.

    Good job-Nick

  3. really good. makes me feel like im in the story looking at a elk

  4. dis entry rlly speaks 2 me :P
